Young Gray Langur Monkey

Quite common in the park and in the buffer zone surounding the park, these monkeys approached quite close to the jeep. Some in fact were not averse to running over my cottage roof at Singinawa, which is in a wooded area just outside the buffer zone.
However, they were always alert as they form part of the diet of the top predators (tiger, leopard, wild dog) in Kanha. Adults are about 75cm long excluding the tail which is about the same again.

Young Gray Langur Monkey

Quite common in the park and in the buffer zone surounding the park, these monkeys approached quite close to the jeep. Some in fact were not averse to running over my cottage roof at Singinawa, which is in a wooded area just outside the buffer zone.
However, they were always alert as they form part of the diet of the top predators (tiger, leopard, wild dog) in Kanha. Adults are about 75cm long excluding the tail which is about the same again.